Does This Sound Like You?
You've been on a personal growth journey, and you feel like you're right on the cusp of a massive breakthrough...but you're just not quite sure how to get all the way there.
You've learned a lot of mindset hacks, but you're still in your head a lot, and you want to learn more about how to embody all these new beliefs.
You want to finally shake loose all those fears, doubts, and self-imposed (or perceived "others-imposed") limitations so that you can truly FLY!
You sometimes feel like you've outgrown a lot of your friends, and you long for your soul tribe, a safe place where you feel seen and are on the same growth trajectory and can be vulnerable and feel supported.
Imagine if...
You could have access to progressive, cutting edge growth techniques that rapidly accelerate your growth and expansion FAST
You could have a highly trained, empathetic professional walking side by side with you, to support and give you guidance​
You could have someone to sift through all the best growth tools and distill them down for you to easily integrate them into your life​
You could have ongoing support in a community of likeminded sisters who hold you accountable and celebrate your success

Experience The
Life-Changing Magic
Of Group Learning!
that will get you out of your head and into your fullest, most badass expression​
LOVINGLY ASS-KICKING SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE from an elite, ICF-certified coach and decent human being.
SUPPORTIVE SISTERHOOD to foster accountability, celebrate wins, and lift each other up when needed most.
Ability to learn in a COLLABORATIVE SPACE for maximum learning value and retention
other women on the same growth trajectory, collectively pushing past comfort zones
that will help you create the path to your greatest potential
Advertising Veteran Turned Imposter Syndrome Conqueror.
When I was 27 years old, I moved to Chicago to accept a job at theeeee world's top advertising agency. I couldn’t believe I’d been hired. I would take the C22 bus every day from my tiny vintage style apartment in trendy Lincoln Park.
Just as the bus rumbled over the Clark Street bridge, the agency skyscraper would loom over me and every single day, I would gaze up at it with awe and think, “I’m really here”.
Life was amazement. Everything was possible. There was no question that the future I envisioned was on its way to me.
But as time went on, I let things on the outside mean something about me on the inside. Performance reviews, toxic culture - pretty soon, I was pushing myself, struggling, and missing out on a whole lot of life while I tried to outrun Imposter Syndrome by working harder and pushing myself further.
Because the Universe delivers, I discovered a coach who showed me that I was the problem - and that I was also the solution. I learned I could steer my ship in directions I never saw possible (hello, leaving corporate and starting my own company?), because I vanquished Imposter Syndrome and became my best badass self.
And that's how I know that you can, too.

RISE is an intimate, magical community of powerhouses
This isn't a massive group with 8 Zoom screens, where you can check out and multitask and your voice may never be heard. You get individualized coaching, but you also learn so much from seeing your fellow sisters being coached. We get to know each other on a soul level. We share vulnerably, champion each other, cry with each other, learn from each other. We all know that, although we are all on very different journeys, we have so much in common. We are not alone, and together we RISE.
To preserve the magic of this group, all new members must go through a (painless) application process (basically, a 20-minute Zoom with me to make sure it's a fit).
What Clients Say
You know you’re ready to meet your people and evolve.
This is a no-brainer investment that will change everything:
RISE with Us!
Get ready for a transformation that will pay you back in:
More clients
A more lucrative career
Higher income
Ease, success and joy!

Who Am I to Offer This Kind of Transformation?
The mission of my company is to help women take back the power that they were born with through masterful coaching and magical community.
I believe in practice over information, and total identity reclamation (and evolution) over one-off ah-ha moments that don’t pan out.
Although I did cure myself of Imposter Syndrome after 25+ years in a corporate environment where I never felt good enough, that’s not enough to guide others.
I am a Certified Professional Life Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching - an intensive program that is recognized by the International Coach Federation. It’s a rigorous, intensive program with high standards and full practicum. I also hold a PCC level (Professional Certified Coach) designation, meaning I have a shit ton of experience to bring to you.
I claim my expertise and experience because we all should own our greatness, and also because my company doesn’t mess around with our clients. We believe in offering only the best of the coaching profession.
WHAT IS THE CALL SCHEDULE? We meet twice monthly on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 9:30-11am Mountain Time (8:30 PT / 11:30 ET). All sessions are recorded and the replays are posted in a portal that you have access to as long as you're a member.
IS THIS RIGHT FOR ME IF… √ I am a corporate employee I am an entrepreneur √ I work at a not for profit √ I am a teacher/educator √ I am retired/I am in between jobs √ I am a mom √ I am not a mom √ I identify as a woman but was born differently Basically, if you identify as a woman, have been on a conscious journey of personal growth - no matter for how long - and you want to accelerate that growth in the warmth and safety of a soul tribe that GETS you, you belong here.
DO I HAVE TO BE LIVE ON THE CALLS? ARE THEY RECORDED? Calls will be recorded and you will have access to them as long as you're in the group. As with any personal development experience, you will get the most transformation from this program by showing up live, so we encourage live involvement as often as possible. This is an intimate group, so my pledge is that I will ALWAYS work with the members to find the time that works best for the majority. If that means we need to pivot, we pivot.
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS AND ALL THE OTHER PROGRAMS OUT THERE? The objective of RISE is not, and never will be, to fill it with large numbers. This isn't a massive group where you can check out and multitask and your voice may never be heard. We get to know each other on a soul level. We share vulnerably, champion each other, cry with each other, learn from each other. We all know that, although we are all on very different journeys, we have so much in common. We are not alone, and together we RISE.
WHAT'S THE TIME COMMITMENT? Like with any personal development experience, what you put into it determines what you get out of it. The minimum commitment: - 90 minutes for our group meetings, twice a month - Growth work assignments and challenges that range from 30 minutes to 4 hours per month - 15 minutes per week of community engagement (or however much time you choose!) … Whatever magic you bring to it!
HOW DO I KNOW I WILL FIT IN? I am a master at bringing likeminded women together. I know how to read energy and assess whether you are a good fit for the group. It's my superpower, and it's one reason we keep it so intimate. One bad fit will impact the dynamic of this beautiful container, so I make extra sure that when you join, you will feel like you've found your tribe...and they will instantly welcome you with open arms.