If you’re like I always was, just the thought of this annual ritual elicits a huge eye roll.
Resolutions are made to be broken, amirite? Why do we only set goals to better ourselves at this one time of year (which also happens to follow the season of indulgence)? And why do we nearly always abandon them long before winter thaws?
If you ever bought into the hype, you’re probably like 64% of resolution-makers and traded in that resolution to lose 10 pounds for a big box of chocolates by February.
You know this. And that could be why you don't even bother.
But do you know why? Many resolutions are made with the intention to improve some aspect of life. That’s why resolutions are often related to physical fitness or personal growth. But here’s the reason they don’t last: Resolutions are almost always aimed at fixing symptoms of a bigger underlying issue.
You make a resolution and then jump into this new quest of self-improvement. You say this year will be different. You're super motivated! But because you’re tackling just one facet of the issue, and you're not fully connecting with the purpose behind the change, your resolve fizzles out like leftover champagne and you go back to status quo.
And then eventually, you become another one of whose people who say “I don’t make resolutions.”
But between us, you can admit that secretly you still want 2019 to be your best year yet. You don’t stop wanting things like:
Being your best self
Achieving your dream career
Making more money
Accomplishing the secret dream you’ve never told anyone about
In order to get those things, you’ve got to address the core issue. And it’s a process! So my gift to you is three steps to get started on the path to getting what you want this year:
Figure out why it’s important. For example’s sake, let’s say you want to commit to eating better and exercising regularly. If you just want to do this because it’s something you believe you should or need to do, it’s gonna be hard to stay committed when life gets in the way (and it always will). But if you’re doing it because you want to make everyone envious at your 30-year high school reunion, then you’ve got a fire lit under you. It’s got to be something you want at your core.
Anchor your intention. Now that you have one or more motivating reasons for going after what you want, you’ll want to create some anchors to keep you focused on that prize. Continuing with the example above, you could make your screen saver a photo of yourself when you were in the best shape of your life. Or tape a picture of the outfit you want to wear at this reunion on the fridge. It doesn’t matter what the image is or where you place it, as long as it’s one that you’ll see every day to remind you of your goal and keep you motivated.
Get an accountability partner. Everything is easier when you have support. If you hire a personal trainer, you want to follow through on that investment. If you commit to working out with a friend, you know someone is counting on you to show up. If you join a weight-loss program, you know you’ll have to weigh in. If you work with a coach, you’ll have someone challenging you when you don't get it done, and celebrating with you when you do!
So how do you start? Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Do the thing, and you will have the power." Everything around you behaves differently when you simply put yourself in motion to get what you want.
Start by developing some good habits in your mind and body. Successful people have good habits! Start small and build some muscle. I created a FREE challenge starting January 2 that will get you going. It's called the "2019 Mind-Body Reset," and it will help you create habits by incorporating them into your day in micro doses for just 30 days, with coaching from me and accountability from other challengers.
Let's break the cycle in 2019. Join me today and increase your odds for a successful 2019!